Category Archives: counterfeit

God Keeps His Promise With Paula White

Jesus promised  through the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:7, that God would personally destroy those who would bring his Church to ruin.                                     AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!


How To Identify The Uncompromised Remnant Church

 RiseUpChurch-EmailIt is my personal conviction that two contrasting groups have been emerging for years and becoming more and more identifiable within the Charismatic-Evangelical church world of our day. They are the corrupted “Wilderness wandering” congregations  and the covenantally faithful “Canaan hearted ” churches. A simple review of biblical history demonstrates that one is visibly cursed and the other is divinely blessed.  

Joseph Mattera has provided us with much-needed assistance in identifying the blessed remnant. I’ve extracted his key points, but the full article is a great read.




As the persecution of the Bible-believing church becomes more intense, there will be a greater manifestation of what I am referring to in this article as the “remnant church.” By remnant church, I am referring to the surviving vestige of the body of Christ that remains true to biblical principles in spite of cultural opposition.

The following are characteristics of the modern-day remnant church:

1. They will become more entrenched in the word of God the more the world opposes them.

2. They will become the vilified in society.

3. They will preach counter-cultural biblical messages.

4. They will produce the most committed Christians and make disciples.

5. They will experience a greater presence and power of God than other churches.

6. They will become more visible and distinct as the culture becomes more decadent.

7. They will be more excluded and separated from mainstream secular evangelical churches and denominations.

8. The remnant church will change the world.

9. The remnant church will endure while the compromising church will fade away.

May God help us all remain faithful to the end and participate in the remnant church!


Commands From The Itching Ears Of Pew Fillers


>Tell me what I want to hear……………………………….Narcissism
>Tell me what makes me feel better……………………..Sentimentalism
>Tell me what will work for me……………………………Pragmatistism
>Tell me what is the least costly …………………………Consumerism
>Tell me what is inoffensive………………………………..Permissivism

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. [2 timothy 4:3]
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Posted by on November 8, 2014 in anathema, Apostasy, counterfeit, GOOOFY, heresy


An Appeal To Joel and Victoria Osteen


This well crafted letter of appeal by Dr Michael Brown is especially timely in light of the robust attacks aimed at Victoria Osteen over her recent heretical  statements  made to their Houston congregation.

Please read the two portions I’ve extracted and then forward Dr Browns entire appeal to church leaders, family members and friends. Also, consider re-posting this on your FB page as well.



“…Joel, I appreciate the fact that you end every service by asking people to get right with God, having them pray a prayer where they say to Jesus, “I repent of my sins, come into my heart, I make you Lord and Savior.”

The big problem is that you haven’t told them what their sins are and you haven’t told them what real repentance is. And since you are speaking to people around the world, you can’t possibly assume that all of them understand the meaning of sin and redemption and repentance. (Most American Christians don’t even understand these things today.)

In short, you have not shared with them the whole counsel of God, and by telling them only part of the story, you have done what the false prophets of ancient Israel did: “You superficially treat the fracture of My people saying to them, ‘All is well, all is well,’ when nothing is well” (Jeremiah 6:14, my translation).”

“…Some Christians have referred to you and Victoria as outright heretics, others have said that you are fighting against the Holy Spirit (since the Spirit convicts the world of sin but your preaching does not), others have said that you are a pagan religionists, while others have said that your superficial message of material prosperity cannot bear the weight of the gospel.

These are very serious charges, but rather than just saying, “Hey, I’m just going to love everybody and stay in my lane,” perhaps you should ask if these leaders might be saying something you need to hear. Is there any truth at all in their words? Could it be that God’s lane for you is different than the lane you’re in?”



Posted by on September 10, 2014 in counterfeit, error, GOOOFY, heresy


To Hell With Rob Bell!

John Piper was right when he declared, “Good-by Rob Bell!”  This peddler of man centered philosophy has descended deeper into the abyss of demonic spirituality.

Watch Oprah’s program below as she  asks  Bell to answer specific questions: What is the soul? Define God? What does prayer mean to you? What happens when we die? The world needs? Heaven is? God is? Your favorite thing to do on Sunday?

Listen as he mocks biblical truth and joins with Oprah in demeaning laughter at the “Well Done Faithful Servant” decree of the Father. He refuses to reference Scripture, Jesus, The Cross, Righteousness, Sin, Judgment, Repentance or forgiveness. In other words, his answers  are completely void of any implied reference to the glad tidings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  

Am I  judging Rob Bell? Absolutely! As an apostate, he is an enemy of the Cross of Christ [Philippians 3:18], a heretic of the highest order [Titus 3:10] who stands condemned under the Apostle Paul’s double anathema,” if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than what we have preached to you, a curse be on him!” [Galatians 1:8-9]

To which I conclude,”It is so!” To Hell with Bell!



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Posted by on April 14, 2014 in anathema, Apostasy, counterfeit, Rob Bell, Video


Joel Osteen Admits He Is A Universalist

Christian Universalism is a damnable doctrine espoused by the likes of  Carlton Pearson, Skip Moen, and now Joel Osteen. The heretical view is predicated  on the New Testament declaration that God was in Christ, reconciling the entire fallen world to Himself. This  “wider mercy doctrine” of  comprehensive Inclusion teaches that death of Jesus redeemed all of fallen humanity back to right relationship with  God. In effect, Jesus became the way that God provided for every person he created to be fully accepted by him. They need never know Jesus. hear of Jesus, or come to saving faith  in Jesus. The way has been  provided so that  all religious roads could be accepted and Jesus is that way. Here are the heretics in their own words.

Carlton Pearson: “Every human being in the history of the planet was created in the image and likeness of God…God sees Himself in everybody, in every belief system…Jesus is the open door through which all of humanity accesses God, including Buddha and Muhammad or Gandhi.  We all go through the same door to access God…”    [Beliefnet Interview]

Professor Skip Moen: “What about the Muslim who truly desires to serve God and who embraces all that he knows about God, but all that he knows is what Islam teaches.  As far as he is concerned, Messiah Jesus is a Christian mistake.  All he knows of Jesus is the animosity Christians have displayed toward Islam, beginning with the Crusades.  Does this man really know Yeshua?  Hardly!  He knows a caricature of the real Yeshua; a caricature that he rightfully rejects.  Exactly the same argument could be made for Torah observant Jews.  What do they know of the real Yeshua?  They only know the “Jesus” that the Church has portrayed, a Messiah that they must reject because that Christian Messiah stands in opposition to everything they know about God.”

“…when Yeshua says “No one comes to the Father but through Me,” He is stating an eternal truth, not an evangelical criterion.  The eternal truth is that without His pre-creation sacrifice, no one, not even Abraham, comes to the Father.  But this is not a requirement of confession.  It is an ontological reality.

“… The evangelical claim that you must confess this person or miss the blessing is myopic and misleading”   [Posted Article]

Joel Osteen: In this interview with Oprah, Osteen parrots  components advocated by both Carlton Pearson and  Skip Moen when he states,”Jesus is the only way, but there are many roads that lead to Jesus.”


Posted by on October 7, 2013 in anathema, Apostasy, counterfeit, heresy, Video


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Joel Osteen is a Heretical Pelagian and Universalist!


English: Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church, Houst...

English: Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church, Houston, Texas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jennifer LeClaire, news editor at Charisma writes about Joel Osteen’s comments made to HuffPost Live host Josh Zepps about  gays this week. The interview is more than telling and confirms Osteen as a heretical Pelagian and Universalist. Carefully note that he frames Universalism in his “the wider mercy” doctrine.

It’s past time for high-profile, credible ministers to call out Joel and hold him biblically accountable for his flagrant heresy and pseudo gospel that eternally damns the unrepentant and unregenerate.

“…The mega church preacher, whom HuffPo describes as a “spiritual star,” was on the show to talk about his new book Break Out! 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life. Zepps read a line out of Osteen’s book: “It doesn’t matter who likes you or doesn’t like you, all that matters is that God likes you. He accepts you. He approves of you.”

Zepps then asked Osteen if that was true of homosexuals. “Absolutely,” Osteen said. “I believe that God breathed life into every person and that every person is made in the image of God, and you have accept them as they are on their journey. I’m not here to preach hate or push people down.”

Osteen also said, “We’re not trying to make this a little bitty narrow thing. Anybody’s welcome. We may not agree 100 percent on doctrine and theology, but the Catholic Church, our church, it’s open for everybody. … I believe God is big and His mercy is very wide.”

The Pelagian Heresy



Posted by on October 4, 2013 in anathema, antinomian, counterfeit, heresy


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“Preachers of L.A.” Reality T.V. Show

Narcissism, divorce, adultery,out-of-wedlock children, carnal covetousness,idolatrous greed and flagrant heresy are wedded together though high-profile Preachers in a reality T.V. show that’s scheduled to air this fall.

Infamous Clarence McClendon, Noel Jones, Wayne Cheney, Ron Gibson, Jay Haizlip and Deitrick Haddon are the stars of “Preachers of L.A.”.

What’s their message? Driving Ferraris, flashy lifestyles, extravagant wealth and livin large is the reward for merchandising the gospel. Double Anathema!!!!



The Heretical “Hyper-Grace” Message

imagesCAJVWR2CMichael Brown speaks with clarity in this Charisma extract concerning the ancient heresy that Jude warned about, yet is  now being re-packaged by high-profile “charismatic ministers” who are deceivingly attempting to give it contemporary plausibility.

Some people have secretly slipped in and wormed their way into your churches. They are ungodly, “perverting the grace of our God”  into that which excuses immoral and sinful living. By doing this,  they deny Jesus Christ  our Lord and Master!    [Jude 4]

Please consider watching this video to  hear Dr. Michael Brown as he articulates a powerful polemic against this exaggerated error and expose it as the great deception of the 21st century.


“The biblical message of grace is wonderful, glorious and life-transforming. We can’t live without it for one second of our lives. But there is a message being preached today in the name of a new grace reformation, mixing powerful truth with dangerous error. I call it hyper-grace.

One of the foundational doctrines of the hyper-grace message is that God does not see the sins of his children, since we have already been made righteous by the blood of Jesus and since all of our sins, past, present and future, have already been forgiven.

That means that the Holy Spirit never convicts believers of sin, that believers never need to confess their sins to God, and that believers never need to repent of their sins, since God sees them as perfect in his sight.”

It is easy to see how such teaching can be dangerous, especially to a believer being tempted to compromise.

For further  reading on the subject:


Posted by on February 19, 2013 in anathema, antinomian, counterfeit, repentance


If Anyone Destroys God’s Temple, Him God Will Destroy!

In the 1 Corinthians 3:17 context, this sober warning is God’s covenant promise  issued toward those responsible for k0536988building the church upon the historic gospel  foundation laid by the Apostle Paul. The meaning of the warning is understood by credible scholars:

>Barnes Notes: “If any man by his doctrines or precepts shall pursue such a course as tends to destroy the church, God shall severely punish him.

>Clarke’s Commentary:”If any man injure, corrupt, or destroy the Church of God by false doctrine, God will destroy him..”

>Jaimeson-Fausset-Brown:”the destroyers…assail the foundation with false teaching, and so subvert the temple itself, and shall therefore be destroyed.”

Not only are churches like Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral experiencing the fulfillment of the words of Jesus through the Apostle Paul, but  entire apostate denominations are coming under the sway of this righteous promise of God. Long having rejected the historic gospel and the authority of inscripturated revelation for nominal or cultural “christians”. These ministers and their denominations now flagrantly affirm homosexuality, lesbianism, and same-sex marriage.

The consequences of God’s righteous judgment is now coming to full fruition. To which I heartily sing the words written by John the Revelator regarding the Song of Moses and the Lamb, “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the ages.”

For at the same time, attendance for “Word based-Christ centered-Gospel oriented” churches is on the rise.

Somebody shout!


“An October poll from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life drew attention to the rise of the religiously unaffiliated—now 1 out of 5 adults and 1 out of 3 adults under 30. Because the survey also found a precipitous fall in Protestant affiliation—the first time it’s ever dropped below 50 percent—it looks like bad news. But the decline is almost entirely among people who had identified as Christians culturally. Even among 18- to 29-year-olds, evangelical identity and church attendance are up, according to the General Social Survey.”
